Be happy! This sleep hypnosis for happiness has been written to increase your happiness and contentment and boost dopamine and feel good endorphins.
This is going to be a wonderful time for you to reconnect with yourself, create positive thought patterns for happiness and contentment. Restore balance in your approach to life and feel deeply centred and grounded. Happiness will flow through you and you can learn to embrace it every day.
Being happy has a positive effect, not only on the way you feel but also on your body’s immune system. Happy people experience less illness and get more things done each day. They are perceived as more attractive and people are drawn to them. See the world through new eyes and automatically focus on the bright, uplifting, happy feelings that are within you even now. Amp up these happiness feelings and let them become the way you most often feel.
Happy people worry less, experience far less stress, anxiety and depression. Create a better life for yourself. We encourage you to listen to this recording daily for 28 days and even more often if you prefer.
Repeated listening can help you strengthen your own positivity and deepen the behaviours you would like to experience on a daily basis.
At the end of this meditation, you will be guided into an effortless and restorative sleep. If you have already drifted into deep peaceful sleep that is ok because your subconscious mind will still have absorbed the positive and healing suggestions.
Enjoy this sleep hypnosis now and ongoing feelings of wellbeing.
Written and spoken by Helen Ryan, Hypnotherapist
Music – Zen Flow, Chris Collins,
KerryA –
I love your meditation and your voice is soothing ⭐ I am grateful
Akunne Austine kenny –
Victoria Kidder –
Very relaxing. First time trying this so I will let you know if has the effects I’m looking for.😊